martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016

Importance of Multimedia in the Classroom

Importance of Multimedia in the Classroom
By Bienvenida Bautista

        Multimedia is an exciting combination of computer hardware and software that allows you to integrate videos, animation, and audio, graphic and test resources to develop effective presentations. Certainly, nowadays, technology has become in an essential part of us and has changed our daily routine, making it easier and more enjoyable while involve every aspect of our life. Education is not the exception and it is not a secret that the same is in a constant change, where each day something new is incorporated, thus arriving Multimedia promising us a new way. Dynamism in classes, new ways of teaching and the development of new skills and competences are some of the advantages of using Multimedia in the classroom.

       For many years, traditional teaching was a problem since the monotony took control of their classes and made it a routine. According with Gonzalo, ‘’with Multimedia, teachers can use the creativity and motivate students with images, videos, and songs ‘’getting make something different and new. (p.1)

        As I said, traditional teaching is characterized by its repetitive habit but why continue with it when we can innovate, create new ways of teaching using multimedia. It give us the opportunity to have an adventure every day of classes as well as to wake up the interest in the students to participate in the learning process.

       Integrating Multimedia in the classroom not only create new form to teach and energize classes but also provides students with the development of skills and competences. When a student includes Multimedia in his learning process his brain is activated, he looks for different ways of learning and of course he develops his autonomy, reducing the dependence of the teacher and taking it to the background.

       Technology is something that will be with us for many years, it is in us to know how to use it. Let us finish with the monotony and give way to dynamism, creativity and prepare future generations for the demands of today’s world, capable professionals, independents and innovators who play with their ideas and let them fly.

Worked cited

-Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología; Instituto Nacional de Educación Tecnológica (p.13)
-Gonzalo, 2009, “Educación y nuevas Tecnologías”, ventajas de los materiales multimedia. (p.1)
