sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

Expressive Means of Language   
   (Stylistic Devices)
As expressive means, language uses various stylistic devices which make use either of the meaning or of the structure of language units (Gurevich, 26). Stylistic devices use some figures of speech, these are:                                                                                                           
 -Metaphor use to denote a transferences of meaning by comparison where not only objects can be compared, also actions, etc. For instance: He is not a man, he is just a machine. (27).                                                                                                                            
-Simile is a comparison where the object compared is very similar to the quality in question which its characteristic is the use of the conjunction as, although may contain no special connector expressing comparison but is not so expressive as metaphor. For example: He reminded me of a hungry cat (28).                                                                                                                                            –Metonymy is a transference of meaning but in a closure way that is made with an object used instead of another and it is not based on comparison and sometimes is not considered as a stylistic device. For example: The whole town was out in the streets (the people of the town) (29).                                                                                                                                               –Zeugma is defined as a stylistic device that work on two part: the direct (point) and the figurative meanings (place). For example: A leopard changes his spots, as often as he goes from one spot to another. (30).         -Oxymoron, the combination of a noun and an adjective that express an opposite meaning.   For example: A low skyscraper (31).                                                                                                                                   Hyperbole is a stylistic device that make an extreme exaggeration about the characteristic or quality of the object. For example: He was scared to death; Litotes is based in a negativity over the goods things. For example: Not bad (very good) (31).                                                                                                           Epithet is a word that give to the object a characteristic quality simile to the metaphor with propose of create an emotional image of it. For example: Friendly trees (32). 

Metaphors are usually more expressive and more emotionally coloured than similes just because they do not express the comparison openly.

Works Cited

Гуревич, валерий. Pages 26-27-28-29-30-31-32 English Stylistic. Мсква. фпинта, 2007. Наука.

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